Friday, July 22, 2011

How to install downloaded Blogger Templates

As you know Blogger is the one of the major blog hosting service in the world. Blogger supplies blog hosting for absolutely free! Even you can make a simple blog through Blogger. It is very simple. You just have to navigate your browser to and sign in to Blogger by using your Gmail ID and Password. If you don`t have a Gmail account simply click here and click on “Create an account”.
How to install blogger templates by uploading?
Log in to Blogger by using Gmail ID and password. Click on Design (Layout) in your Dashboard.

In the next page click on “Edit html” tab. After loading that page click on “Browse”.

Browse the computer and select a Blogger template (only the XML file). Before you upload a template you should extract it. After that click on “Upload”.

Click on keep Widgets in the next page.

Now your Blogger template is ready. Just click on View Blog. You can download lots of Blogger templates from the internet for absolutely free.
You are done!

Make an Advance Webs Page from Web Page Maker with less experience

In my new article I am going to teach you how to make an advance web page from Web Page Maker with less experience. According to my experience Web Page Maker is the simplest software to make your web page with less experience. Because web page maker has a simple interface as in the figure. Therefore even a beginner can learn about web page making easily. Simpleness of web page maker has web page making easy.   You can see more options included in the web page maker when you explore it. Try it now.
Download Web Page Maker

Also it has only little amount of templates. But those templates are included with flash items and they are professional templates. You can edit selected template according to your favor.

Another great option in web page maker is your site can be published directly through web page maker.

Make your web site from web page maker. You will make an advance website in a short period of time. Try Web Page Maker Today!

Rename your long web address to a short URL using .tk

Hay guys, is your web address is too long. Now you don`t want to worry about your URL. Now I am going to tell a good way to make it short. Just follow below simple steps.
Step 01; navigate your browser to this link –
Type your long web address in the field as figure. (In the first field will generate a short address. but you can change it as you wish) Next click on “Next” button.

Step 02; fill the form with required information and confirm it.

You are done! Navigate your web browser to new short web address. Share your new web address with your ones easily!

Free! Web Hosting

Are you looking for a free Web Site? Today I came with a new article to give a solution for your need. Lots of people login to internet in order to find a website for free. Therefore many webhosting services have started free webhosting. But options of these free sites are some what low than paid webhosting accounts.
You know many webhosting services provides websites and sub domains for Free! So you can make a good Web site for absolutely free! Later you can upgrade your free account to a higher Account. After upgrading you can experience more new Options rather than a free account.
Below Webhosting Services are the World`s leading free webhosting services.
Navigate to one of these free webhosting services and start your free website today. Almost all these sites provide lots of modern facilities to design your free website nicely as a paid hosting service. You can apply new templates to your web site and design it well.
Another great thing in these free hosting services is you can earn money through your free hosting account. They give you a referral ID for your account. You can publish your referral ID in your site or anywhere. If someone went through your ref ID and sign up for certain hosting service, you are getting paid for it. See, your free hosting account let you to earn extra money too.
Start your Free! Website Today and earn money online!  Enjoy your website.

Try your Try-Out Softwares forever

When I was studying in O/L classes my best friend gave me software called Time Stopper.  I installed it on my computer. But I didn`t pay much attention on that software. But after my O/L exam I decided to browse whole computer and my CD collection. Then I found Time Stopper software again and installed it. After the installation I opened it. Then I understood that it can stop time for each time-out software.  I tried to stop time for few software and it was successful. So I decided to share my experience with my blog fans.
Firstly download Time-Stopper
 After downloading it install and run it in your PC. Follow below three steps.
Step 01- Select your software`s running icon (exe).
Step 02- Select a date within your software`s trial period.
Step 03- If you want, you can run try-out software on the spot by clicking on “open software on your date” button.
Step 03- You can create a desktop shortcut after a entering a name for software by clicking on “Click here to create desktop short-cut” button.

That is all. Now you can use your try-out software forever.
You can change your computer`s actual time to a date within trial period of a try-out software, if it ran out of try-out period. But then you cannot run your computer on time and sometimes another try-out software can be expired. Above method is the most successful method to try your try-out softwares forever.

How to get a Debit Card for Free!

My new post is on how to get a Debit card for absolutely free! My brother told me how to get a Free Debit card. I wrote this post in his words. Read it.
“Once I logged in to my Odesk account, I noticed that my payment method of odesk is not completed. So I decided to complete it at that moment. Odesk let us to select one payment method from their five payment options as our payment method. Among their five payment methods, I noticed a special method. It was depositing our money in a Payoneer Debit card. Next to this method, a statement was there with a link.
 I clicked on it. A page opened and I clicked on again on Get your MasterCard card now. Again a page opened with a form to apply for a Payoneer Debit Card. I was delighted.  I filled all the required fields in the form and finished it. I thought it is a lie. I couldn’t believe it when I got my Payoneer Debit card.  But however I got my Payoneer Debit card after about 25 days of time.”
That`s his experience. Now I am going to share his experience with you. 
Follow my steps carefully.
-Log in to your Odesk account or sign up for an Odesk account.
-Create your Odesk Profile if you are a new member.
-Click on Payment Methods in navigation bar.

-Click on sign up in first withdrawal method 

-Click Get your Prepaid MasterCard Card Now! 

-Click on Start Here and Fill the required Fields.
-Click on Step 2 and fill the required Fields.
-Click on Step 3 and fill the required Fields.
-After that mark three check boxes.
-Finally click on Finish Button.

You are done!
You will receive your Debit card after about 25 business days of time.

Customize your Windows

Really I hate Montanans. Because changing things in a life is good rather than Montanans. Once I deal with my computer I got an idea to find certain software to customize my computer. I downloaded two software to make a change to my computer life. It was Folder Tweaker and Folder Marker. It can customize your folders` background and icons.
Firstly I will teach how to customize your windows with Folder Tweaker.
Here are steps….
There is nothing to install in Folder Tweaker. You just have to run it after the download. A window will appear. Just select the folder you want to customize and click OK. See the figure below.
Figure 01

Then a Folder Tweaker window will open as the below figure. Select a Image to set your selected folder`s background image.  If you are selecting a quit dark image, select white as your text color.
Select an icon pack to change your default icons.
Figure 02

Now click Apply and click ok. That is all. You are done!
Now I am going to teach you how to customize your windows with Folder Marker.
Download it from below link.
Here are steps….
After the installation run Folder Marker. Folder Marker helps you to customize your folders. There are two ways to change folder icons from Folder Marker. First way is you can run folder marker and then you can select a folder to change it`s ion. Second method is, you can click on right of your computer mouse and click on mark folder and select an icon from there. I am going to describe the first way.
Run folder marker. Browse a folder as in the figure 03 and select an icon for your folder from folder marker. You can select three icon packs to customize your folders. Finally click on Apply button. See the figure 04.
Figure 03

Figure 04

Here is the second method of folder marker. Go towards the folder that you want to customize. Click on right button of your mouse and click on mark folder and select an icon for your folder.
Figure 05

Your folders will look like this.

That is it.
You can download more windows customizing soft wares from my Downloads page.